Rewrites are tough. I've probably said that before but it was more than a year ago so who remembers.
I'm back to working on the book that I did the exert from last year. Body Language. I'm determined to finish reworking it so I can start sending it out. Again. But better. I hope. No I know it is better. I have learned a lot since I finished the manuscript two years ago.
It's been hard going getting back into the swing of writing. It is so much easier to lose myself in someone else's published book. And once I lose myself, it is hard to find that trail of bread crumbs. So I'm trying to limit myself to reading in the evenings before I go to sleep.
I've started keeping track of how many words a day I am writing because I'm going to be taking part in a writing challenge come April. I've been frustrated because it's been coming slow. I had planned to set a goal of 1670 words a day. Backed it down to 1000 so I could achieve it and found it a struggle to get 500.
Yesterday, I had my critique group then the kids dentist appointment and struggled to get in a few hundred words. I was close to the end of the chapter I was revising but just couldn't manage to complete it. Finally turned off the computer in disgust at 10 pm.
Today, I wrote. Deleted. Wrote. Walked around the house. Wrote. Read it aloud. Deleted. Fed the cats. The lizard. The dogs. Wrote.
You get the picture. This afternoon I finally finished the chapter. I celebrated with chocolate peanut butter ice cream. Then I started on the next chapter.
Now this chapter is being totally changed from the original. My book has three parts. The first begins in the heroine's point of view for the first chapter, switches to the hero's for the next four and in the other rewrites I had the last chapter in this section in the hero's POV. (The first draft of the book was in a zillion POV's because I head hopped all over creation. Didn't even know what head hopping was at that point.) I decided to switch back to the heroine's POV for this chapter. Why? Symmetry and because she needs to be heard, to become more three dimentional.
I'm over 700 words into this chapter and am really excited about the way it is going.
That's right over 700 words. Total today (saved words, all the deleted ones don't count) 1671 words. I couldn't believe it when I added it up.
Tomorrow may be a bust. I may struggle to do 200 words. I have to pack for the beach, clean at least a layer of dust off the house, run errands and drive down to the beach when the kids get out of school. That's okay because I am going to put in at least two solid hours of writing before I start all the other stuff and maybe once we're settled tomorrow night I can do some more.
Doesn't matter. I have a goal and I'm working towards it.
I'd happy dance but I'm too tired.
I'm back to working on the book that I did the exert from last year. Body Language. I'm determined to finish reworking it so I can start sending it out. Again. But better. I hope. No I know it is better. I have learned a lot since I finished the manuscript two years ago.
It's been hard going getting back into the swing of writing. It is so much easier to lose myself in someone else's published book. And once I lose myself, it is hard to find that trail of bread crumbs. So I'm trying to limit myself to reading in the evenings before I go to sleep.
I've started keeping track of how many words a day I am writing because I'm going to be taking part in a writing challenge come April. I've been frustrated because it's been coming slow. I had planned to set a goal of 1670 words a day. Backed it down to 1000 so I could achieve it and found it a struggle to get 500.
Yesterday, I had my critique group then the kids dentist appointment and struggled to get in a few hundred words. I was close to the end of the chapter I was revising but just couldn't manage to complete it. Finally turned off the computer in disgust at 10 pm.
Today, I wrote. Deleted. Wrote. Walked around the house. Wrote. Read it aloud. Deleted. Fed the cats. The lizard. The dogs. Wrote.
You get the picture. This afternoon I finally finished the chapter. I celebrated with chocolate peanut butter ice cream. Then I started on the next chapter.
Now this chapter is being totally changed from the original. My book has three parts. The first begins in the heroine's point of view for the first chapter, switches to the hero's for the next four and in the other rewrites I had the last chapter in this section in the hero's POV. (The first draft of the book was in a zillion POV's because I head hopped all over creation. Didn't even know what head hopping was at that point.) I decided to switch back to the heroine's POV for this chapter. Why? Symmetry and because she needs to be heard, to become more three dimentional.
I'm over 700 words into this chapter and am really excited about the way it is going.
That's right over 700 words. Total today (saved words, all the deleted ones don't count) 1671 words. I couldn't believe it when I added it up.
Tomorrow may be a bust. I may struggle to do 200 words. I have to pack for the beach, clean at least a layer of dust off the house, run errands and drive down to the beach when the kids get out of school. That's okay because I am going to put in at least two solid hours of writing before I start all the other stuff and maybe once we're settled tomorrow night I can do some more.
Doesn't matter. I have a goal and I'm working towards it.
I'd happy dance but I'm too tired.