Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The End

The rewrite is done and the full is off to two of my writer friends who offered to be delta readers. Most writers call them beta readers, but I'm a Cherry Bomb and we have delta readers.

It felt wonderful to write the end the first time through. But it doesn't compare to this time. The book is so much better than it was thanks to all the feedback I've gotten from delta readers, contest judges and my critique partners.

Updates on the conferences I went to where I pitched to editors and agents. I've had requests for partials from two agents and, drumroll, requests for fulls from an agent and two editors. I'm beyond thrilled. I know this doesn't mean they'll call and beg to have it, but it's another step on the path to being published. Getting requests for fulls means they like the premise of the story and I hope that I've impressed them as a writer serious about my craft and my career.

I'll be sending the partials off by Friday of this week. The fulls will go off after I get the feedback from my readers. What's next? Well, this story ended on Christmas Eve and there is a holiday story there begging to be told. And what better time of year to get started on that. Then I have the second story in this series to rewrite and my ghost story. I have plenty to keep me busy.

I've always wanted to write books. And nothing compares with having someone tell you they love the story, the characters, and can't wait to see what happens next.

Excuse me now. I've got a Snoopy dance to do.


Blogger The Merry said...

Woo hoo!!!
confetti descending from the skies


6:40 PM  
Blogger Keziah Fenton said...

I'm so proud. You've accepted all of the constructive criticism with grace, worked through all the revisions and produced a brilliant final project.

I'm having a difficult time critiquing this as a delta reader because I'm so caught up in the story. I'll have to read it through a second time for the picky stuff. :)

Good job!!

5:54 AM  
Blogger McB said...

Dance, Snoopy, dance!

I am in awe at the work you and other writing CBs put into your books. Not just puting it onto paper, which is the easy part, but the dedication to making it the best you can. The craft workshops, rewrites and edits and patient acceptance, if not always agreement, of well intentioned critiques.

Do something wonderful for yourself to celebrate.

7:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

WOOHOO! Move over so I can Snoopy dance with you!


1:52 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Oh Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you. And crossing all my fingers and toes that those editors and agents will realize how terrific your story is!

3:49 AM  
Blogger The Merry said...

I'm belatedly celebrating World Hello Day. Hello, RSS!


10:40 AM  

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